(and three)
Hey guys!
How has your week been? So, if you have been reading my blog for a while you would have noticed that I was nominated for the Liebster Award back in February (you can see that post
here). Well, guess what? I've been nominated AGAIN, by the lovely Hannah at
http://blogabouthanney.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/being-nominated-for-liebster-award.html and Lizzie at
http://lizziebeautyloves.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/the-libester-award-discovering-new-blogs.htmlAs I have been nominated twice, I will combine all the questions into one long post. To give you
some idea, the Liebster Award is basically an award that gives recognition to blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
Here are the rules:1) Thank the person that nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
2) Answer the 11 questions set by the person that nominated you.
3) Nominate 11 other blogs. (these should be "small" blogs with under 200 followers)
4) Choose 11 questions for these bloggers.
5) Let the nominees know that they've been nominated for the award (via comments or social media).
The questions I was given by Hannah:1. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would you pick?
Ah, this is sooo hard! I love so many albums! But I guess I would chose Stripped by Christina Aguilera since it contains some of my favourite songs (e.g. Beautiful and The Voice Within).
2. What is your favourite type of blog post to read?
I tend to read book reviews or food posts. I also like Bucket List type posts, or ones about travel. I read a mixture of blog posts.
3. When was the last time you did something for the first time? and what was it?
Erm...in January I went to the Shard for the first time to celebrate my 21st. Does that count?
4. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
I hate being cold but I think I'd rather be too cold because then I can put on lots of layers to keep warm!
5. What would you love to be doing in 5 years time?
Writing, travelling and blogging! And possibly living abroad!
6. If I gave you £500 to spend, what would you buy?
Knowing me, I'd probably save it for a while and then I'd end up spending it on food or travel fares! But I'd prefer to spend it on a holiday or clothes! Or books!
7. What does a day in your life look like?
Eat. Sleep. Facebook. Blogger. Repeat. (though probably not in that order!) Yes, my life is soooo exciting!
8. Is there something which you love to do, although most people dislike it?
Washing up?! (hahaha not really)
9. What is a book you would recommend as a must read?
The Fault in Our Stars of course!
10. Describe the last photo taken on your phone.
Erm, one minute...*reaches for phone* Ooo, it's my lunch from yesterday! I went to Wetherspoons with my friends and I had gammon with fried egg, tomato, mushroom, peas and chips. Yummy!
Here it is:

11. What is something which you're proud of yourself for?
Getting into uni :D
The questions I was given by Lizzie:1. What's your favourite thing about blogging?
Meeting new people, being able to take more photos, writing regularly...
2. Do any of your friends know you blog and how do they feel about it?
I think most of my friends have read my blog and they seem ok with it :)
3. If you could be anywhere in the world where would it be?
Spain of course! Sun, sun and more sun!
4. Do you have any pets?
I have two cats :3 miss them so much :(
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Already answered this!
6. What's your favourite TV programme?
Pretty Little Liars, Awkward, Waterloo Road and Glee.
7. What's your dream holiday?
New York or LA! Something that involves shopping, swimming and sunbathing!
8. What is your desert island make up product?
Lip gloss definitely!
9. What's your favourite country?
This is undoubtedly Spain!
10. What's your least favourite food?
Brussel sprouts! Mustard!
11. Who is your idol?
Emma Watson!
Who I Nominate:
Questions to my nominees:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What are your favourite 3 blogs?
3. Do you have a favourite type of pizza?
4. What would you buy if you won £1000?
5. What is your favourite travel destination?
6. What is the best film you've ever seen?
7. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years time?
8. If you could make 5 wishes, what would they be?
9. What is your greatest achievement?
10. What are 4 things you can't live without?
Hasta luego!