Monday, 11 May 2015

Top Five Countries I'd Love To Visit

Hey guys!

Today I am going to share with you the three destinations at the top of my list of places to travel to (since I can't face doing any work this evening and it's nearly summer anyway). During my youth I have been fortunate enough to travel to some wonderful places. I've been to Spain, Portugal, Italy, Holland, France, Greece and Cyprus. However, there are many, many, many other places I want to visit and I hope to go to America before I'm 25 (less than four years to go- I can do it, especially if all goes to plan and I go to Los Angeles with fellow bloggers next Easter). Reading lots of blog posts on travelling has brought back my need for travelling and I have a serious case of wanderlust. Exploring the world seems like something everyone should do and I can't understand how anyone cannot like travelling!

1. USA

The USA is at the very top of my list. I have wanted to go to America ever since I started watching Disney Channel and Nickelodeon on a regular basis over ten years ago. Watching Gossip Girl has made me long to shop in Upper East Side in Manhattan, and spend a few days in the luxurious Hamptons. I would also love to stroll through Central Park.



As a fan of 90210, California is a must for when I visit the USA. There are many places in California I long to visit, such as Yosemite Valley, Golden Gate, Disneyland and Hollywood. I don't think I'd be able to see everything I want to in just one holiday!

2. Australia

Australia is a must! It looks like a lovely country and the Sydney Opera House is high up on my list
of places to visit!

3. Iceland

I have seen so many posts about the Northern Lights and Iceland and it just makes me really want to go there! The Northern Lights look so magical!

4. Switzerland

Like Iceland, Switzerland seems so different to other countries I've visited. I'd love to see Lake Geneva and all the mountains!

This reminds me so much of the Sound of Music (even though it's a completely different country!)!

5. Japan

Not just because I like sushi :p I love the fashion too :)

 So those are the countries at the top of my list! What countries would you like to visit? Have you been to any of the ones I have mentioned? What did you think?
Hasta luego!


  1. Love this post! Bring on LA 🙈

  2. I'd really love to visit Iceland one day as well. Looks gorgeous. :]

    // ▲ ▲

    1. Same! It seems like such a beautiful country!

  3. Do let me know when you're planning your trip to Switzerland, there's a lot to see over here :-)

  4. I loved reading this and hope you get to come to America! You will LOVE LA! I went for the first time in January and loved it. I'm dying to travel to some of the same places!!


  5. wow i'd love to visit those countries too! I also want to visit Turkey, i hear it's really beautiful and cultural too!
    can we follow each other? Let me know if you have and i will definetly follow back! :)

    1. Turkey looks like a lovely country! I've followed you! :)

  6. I live in the US, and I would say that there are so many places here that I'd like to visit. There's just too many cool spots. I'd really love to take an adventure to Switzerland some day :)

    Brooke | brookewrote

    1. The US is so big! There are so many different places to visit there!

  7. I'd love to visit all of these places too, especially Iceland, the northern lights are definitely on my list of things I want to see at some point in my life! And I hope your trip to LA pans out like you hope! x

    Stephanie |

  8. I'm off to California soon for a road trip ending in Vegas. I have been before and it is an amazing place. Next year I am hopefully off to Japan. Great list!

    1. That sounds fun! Hope you enjoy the road trip and Japan!

  9. I would love to go to America too. Waiting until my Little boy gets older so I can do all things Sex and the City.


  10. I have been to the USA, i visited New York this year and it was amazing!!

  11. I'd also love to visit the USA, definitely New York :D x

  12. Oh what lovely places you picked!! I've been to all the places in the US, and San Diego and NYC are MUSTS. The others are just as awesome and lovely too. I want to go to Iceland so badly, even more so after seeing those gorgeous pictures. Switzerland seems gorgeous, I want to go there! I want to meet all my Aussie friends so bad!! Australia is SUCH a long flight though... Eventually we'll get there I hope! Awesome picks.

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. Iceland looks incredible! Australia is so far! But I'm sure I'll go there eventually! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Iceland and Switzerland looks gorgeous, I've always wanted to visit them! I've been to the US last year, I went to New York and managed to stroll in Central Park. It was beautiful! I hope you can go <3

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

  14. So far, I've visited Romania (was born there), USA, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Swithzerland and France (Paris). I've also done a stopover in Germany, but couldn't actually visit. I hope you'll go to the US of A, as you seem to really want to and, while you're still in America, why don't you pay Canada a visit? hehe ^^

    1. Late reply, but I would like to go to Canada at some point too!
