Sunday, 5 July 2015

Love / Hate Tag

Hey guys!

Today I will be doing the Love / Hate Tag. I was tagged by Cora at This tag is simple; I just have to list 10 things I love and 10 things I hate.


1. Sun. But not too much! I'd say between 20 and 25 is the right temperature for me. I'm likely to get sun burns in anything higher!

2. Ice cream. I love ice cream. My favourite flavours include vanilla, strawberry, mint choc chip and coconut.

3. Reading. I'm such a bookworm! You can find out why, and what my favourite books ever are, here.

4. Singing. I sing nearly all the time!

5. Writing. This is something else I do regularly! I am always writing (or typing), whether it be ideas for my blog, stories (which I never seem to finish), uni work, or even just random lists.

6. Travelling. I haven't been to many places, but those that I have been to are all really lovely. I'd love to travel more after uni, but I think I'll have to work for a bit first (unfortunately)!

7. Pretty Little Liars. I'm addicted to this show! I'm so sad that I won't be able to watch it until the 15th since there won't be an episode airing this coming week.

8. Holidays. Who doesn't like a good holiday?! I love going away and relaxing in the sun.

9. Cats. I'm 100% a cat person! I love cats! They're so cute and fluffy :3 The longest time I've not been around a cat is probably less than three months.

10. Blogging. This is an obvious one. I just love writing whatever I want without it being marked for an exam or whatever.


1. Wasps. So nasty!

2. Slow computers. How can I blog or go on Youtube or browse books on Goodreads or update my Amazon wishlist when the Internet is being slow?!

3. Clicking fingers. Just. Don't. Do. It. You're welcome.

4. Queues. Well, I live in England so I'm forced to put up with this.

5. Rain. Ditto above.

6. Big Brother. It's just so pointless and boring.

7. Hayfever. I've been suffering from hayfever for the last month and it is so annoying, especially with all the hot weather we've had in England this week! I don't even get hayfever in July - ridiculous!

8. Mornings. I hate early mornings. Can't I just stay in bed for another 125654 hours?!

9. Onions. Don't like the texture at all!

10. Exams. So glad I don't have to do any next year!

So those are the things I love and hate! I tag the following people:

  1. Lauren
  2. Vicky
  3. Rachel
  4. Laura
  5. Kelsey
  6. Katherine
  7. Haley


Hasta luego!



  1. I too love the sun <3, thank GOD for the nicer weather lately here in London and I hate bees instead :p

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. I'm so grateful for the sun! It's been so nice! Unfortunately, I've been suffering from hayfever so I haven't been able to enjoy the sun as much as I would like to. I'm not keen on bees but they're more pleasant than wasps! :p

  2. Great loves & hates. I'm in the process of typing up my post, I'm surprised at the fact that I'm struggling to think of 10 hates, I'm always moaning so you would think it would be easy!
    I didn't realise there wasn't a PLL episode this week, you've upset me!

    1. I was disappointed when I found out there wasn't a PLL episode this week too! What am I going to do when I come home from work on Wednesday evening?! I'll have a read of your post when I can!

  3. Thanks for tagging me! I'll get my post up in the next few days. I enjoyed reading yours, I like posts that tell you more about a blogger.


    1. You're welcome :) glad you enjoyed my post!

  4. love your blog! where did you get work experience from? :) that is so cool!

    1. Thanks! I'm working at a magazine for a month!

    2. ooh thats so cool! which one?

  5. Apart from Pretty Little Liars and onions I actually thought that I had done this post - it is so like my loves and hates it is almost spooky!


  6. Hahaha... Big Brother. I've never watched that show, either. I just don't get it; it looks like the stupidest thing ever!

    1. Yeah I agree, I've watched bits of it and found it so boring!
