Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Top Tips For Uni

Hey guys!

With the beginning of the new uni year just around the corner, I thought I'd do a post sharing my top tips. As I've already been at uni for two years, I know how it works, and this post should be useful for anyone starting this year.

 1. Join the university / hall Facebook groups before starting

Facebook is great for keeping in touch with old friends. However, what you may not realise is that Facebook is also useful for making new friends. During the summer holidays before you head off to uni, join the different Facebook groups (for either your accommodation or the university in general - or both!) and start chatting to the other students. It'll help break the ice for when you arrive.

2. Subscribe to Netflix

Netflix is a fantastic way of watching all your favourite TV shows and films - and it's a lot cheaper than forking out for a TV licence.

3. Don't worry if you don't like going out

University students have a reputation for partying 24/7, but in reality most of us prefer to spend the night at home snuggled in bed with a tub of Ben and Jerry's watching Netflix. Don't feel like you have to go out to a club or a bar just because everyone else is.

4. Join clubs / societies

Societies are another way of making friends at uni (and they look great on your CV). Many universities have a whole variety of societies on offer, ranging from the standard sports to the unusual FetSoc (i.e. Fetish Society - yes, there is such a thing). Remember not to sign up to too many societies in your first week - you'll never make all of them! I'd say two or three is a good number.

5. Bring a laptop

This is probably an obvious one, but it does seem that some students don't have laptops. Having your own laptop saves all the stress of trying to find a computer in the library - there never seem to be enough.

6. Buy food as a household

Doing a weekly shop with your housemates can save money and you can cook things together.

7. Buy books secondhand

There is seriously no point in spending £60 on a book you're only going to pick up once. Save money by ordering used books from Amazon or other students. Many books may also be available in the library - even better!

8. Bring fancy dress

Fancy dress costumes are something you'll be needing right from Fresher's Week. Some of the most common themes include Disney, Decades and Superheroes. You'll also need a costume for Halloween - though many Freshers go out several times during the same week as Halloween so it may be useful to bring two.

9. Attend classes

As many lecturers upload their presentations for students to read after class, it is tempting to just skip lectures. However, attending lectures will enable you to get a better grasp of the material covered, and you can ask the teacher for help if you don't understand things.

10. Stock up on medicine

Flesher's Flu is real, and it's not nice either. Make sure you have a selection of medicine so that you are prepared for the unexpected cold. Water bottles are also good for the long winter nights.

And finally, have fun! University is such a good experience and I hope you enjoy it!

Hasta luego!



  1. When I was in university I joined the Photography society and even Breakdancing society - both allowed me to make lots of good new friends! :)

  2. It is true join as many societies as you can to get to know everyone and going out is not all that, movie nights and sleepovers are the best!

  3. I didn't go to Uni, but obviously know plenty of people who did, and this looks like sound advice to me!x

  4. number 6 never ever worked for me! haha We would always buy things separately and it worked so much better! :D

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  5. Great tips! Buying our food together never worked, we would split the bill but some people would always eat waaayyyyy more than their fair share. I'd come home to an empty fridge after 4 days and wonder where the hell my money was going

  6. What some fantastic tips - not sure what I would do without Netflix! x

  7. One of my nieces has just joined the Glasgow Uni and I think thigh is will be a great list of tips for her

  8. Great advises :) I hould have knew this befoe 4 years ago when I did my uni ;)

  9. I never went to uni but these tips are very good xx
