Monday, 29 August 2016

August Netflix Recommendations

Hey guys!

It is no secret that I love Netflix. As a student (or rather, ex-student) I spend a lot of time on Netflix. In my last year of uni I used Netflix more often than usual since I was doing my dissertation on the portrayal of women in films and it took a while to decide the final films I would analyse.

Anyway, this post will feature five of the best films and TV shows I have watched on Netflix recently. If you're ever in the need of a Netflix binge session, I'm sure these suggestions will come in handy!

1. Innocence
Splash Magazines
Innocence is a film about a girl (Beckett) who realises that there is something strange going on at her new school. Beckett has just lost her mother in a surfing accident and moves to Manhattan with her father. When she starts school, Beckett experiences hallucinations and begins to grow suspicious of her teachers. I initially put off watching this film because I thought it would be scary - and I don't really like horror films. However, Innocence turned out to be creepy rather than scary. It's also quite weird. I'm hoping there is a sequel to Innocence as it ended on a rather annoying cliffhanger!

2. A Girl Like Her
A Girl Like Her Movie
A Girl Like Her focuses on Jessica, who has been bullied by Avery for a long time. She is given a wearable spy device by her best friend Brian to record everything that goes on between her and Avery. Jessica refuses to show the footage to anyone, but after she lands in hospital Brian gives the device to filmmaker Amy, and the truth about Avery is finally revealed.
A Girl Like Her deals with bullying and the effect it can have on both the victim and bully themselves. However, the film is unusual in that it focuses more on the bully and her motives behind tormenting another person. A Girl Like Her is a powerful mockumentary that will have you in tears by the end.
3. The Fundamentals of Caring
The Fundamentals of Caring is a great film to watch this summer. It follows Ben (Paul Rudd) who has just gone through a tough time and decides to get a job looking after Trevor (Craig Roberts), who has Muscle Dystrophy and is stuck in a wheelchair. Ben and Trevor embark on a roadtrip to tick off some of the things on Trevor's bucket list, including 'The World's Deepest Pit'. During their journey, Ben and Trevor are joined by Dot (Selena Gomez) and Peaches (Megan Ferguson), who is heavily pregnant. Although Trevor is very sarcastic, he soon becomes close friends with Ben and falls for Dot. The Fundamentals of Caring isn't the best film on Netflix, but Craig Roberts and Paul Rudd are excellent in their roles.
4. Jane the Virgin
I love this show! I was hooked right from the start. I'll admit that when I first heard about Jane the Virgin I was a bit put off by the premise - it does seem unrealistic to get accidently artificially inseminated. Nevertheless, when I saw that it was on Netflix I thought I might as well watch it. I'm glad I did. Jane (Gina Rodriguez) is a highly likeable character, and her father (played by Jaime Camil) is hilarious. The storylines are so compelling - specially the romances and drug subplot. I was really surprised when I found out the true identity of Sin Rostro - it was not who I was expecting at all!
5. Gilmore Girls
Cinema Blend
Gilmore Girls has FINALLY been put on UK Netflix - and it's about time too! With only a couple of months to go before the revival season airs, Netflix really hasn't left much time to watch all seven previous seasons. Luckily, I have already managed to watch all of Season 1 and am currently half way through Season 2. I don't know how I'm going to get to Season 7 - or even Season 5 - before November, especially when I have an internship starting on Friday. Anyway, Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel have quickly become two of my favourite actresses. Melissa McCarthy is great too. If you haven't watched Gilmore Girls, I'd recommend you do. Now. I promise you won't regret it.
Honorable mentions: Full House, Fuller House, Gossip Girl, Once Upon a Time, Skins, Pretty Little Liars , Clueless, The Addams Family, Home Alone, Maleficent, Dreamgirls and The Fault in Our Stars.
So those are my Netflix recommendations! Have you got Netflix? What films and TV shows would you recommend? Have you watched any of the ones mentioned in this post?

Hasta luego! 



  1. Jane the Virgin is so funny, i was put off by the title to start with but I love it

    1. Yeah it makes me giggle a lot. I was also a bit put off by the title.

  2. Some great picks - I'm so excited that Gilmore Girls is back on Netflix.

    1. Same! I don't think I'd be watching it otherwise!

  3. I've been watching a little bit of Gilmore Girls recently because my mom just became obsessed with it. I need to sit and watch the whole series before they bring it back in November.

    xo Mandy | A Girl, Obsessed

    1. I hope I'm able to finish the previous seasons in time!

  4. I love Netflix too, there's so much on there that you will never be stuck for things to watch.

    1. Yeah, I have a whole list of things to watch on Netflix!

  5. We love Netflix too. We're currently watching Touch after throughly enjoying Preacher.

    1. I haven't heard of either of them but I'll check them out!

  6. heheh yay for binge watching! I'll have to check some of these out!! I agree Jane the Virgin is a silly premise, but it's SO SO SO SO SO good. I love it, it's hilarious. Another one I thought I would hate but LOVE is iZombie. Which is the dumbest name. Ever. It's not scary or that focused on horror, etc. But the writing is out of this world witty and funny. It's by the guy who did Veronica Mars.. it's THE BEST. I seriously paid for every episode of season 2 on Amazon...because i needed to keep watching... whoops! :P I generally love CW shows: Reign, TVD, The Originals, etc. Those are my favorites to watch. I've been hearing good things about some that I don't watch recently too... so I may have to start more! :) Gilmore Girls is my ALL TIME FAVORITE show. I swear to goodness that everyone will end up liking it. Even the men who protest.. and protest.. and then get sucked in and are obsessed with watching it with their wives, gf, friends, etc. :P Sherlock, Call the Midwife, other BBC things are fabulous as well. ;) XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

    1. I've heard of iZombie but I haven't watched it! I think I'll watch it after Gilmore Girls! Though I also have Game of Thrones and Switched at Birth to watch! Yeah, I enjoy Sherlock too!

  7. I feel like I'm the only person left on the planet who hasn't seen Gilmore Girls. Did just watch Stranger Things though, that was fantastic.

    1. You should definitely see Gilmore Girls if you get the chance! I keep hearing about Stranger Things, it does look quite good.

  8. I rewatched Gilmore Girls last year and fell in love with it all over again! And I just recently watched A Girl Like Her and loved it!

  9. I saw the Fundamentals of Giving and loved it!! Now I've got more to add to the watch list...

    Coming Up Roses

  10. I've seen most of those, (love jane) but I will check out A girl like her... and innocence if it's not too creepy.. lol

  11. I love Gilmore Girls! I totally binge watched it earlier this year and can't wait for the short reunion!!

  12. Love Jane the Virgin and Gilmore Girls!!! I didn't think I would like Jane the Virgin either, but I am totally hooked on it too. I haven't seen any of the movies, so I'll have to put them on my list. Thanks!

  13. I'm always looking for new Netflix recommendations. I'm adding a few of these to my queue! :)
