Sunday, 2 October 2016

The Versatile Blogger Award

 Hi guys!
I was recently nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Kelly at Velvet and Vibranium and finally found the time to write up my own post. I had planned to publish this post on Friday but I was busy helping out at the UK University Search University Fair so I didn't really have time!
So how does this award work?
Well, firstly, you need to thank the person who nominated you (so thanks, Kelly!). Then you need to share 7 random facts about yourself and nominate 10 other bloggers.
7 Facts About Me
1. My mum is Australian and my dad is Irish. Unfortunately, I have been to neither country (even though Ireland is right next to England!).
2. When I was in Primary School, I collected bouncy balls. I still have a box of them in one of my drawers!
3. I've never read Harry Potter, which is crazy, since I am a total bookworm! I have, however, watched all the films!
4. I have two Burman cats called Tabitha and Tallulah.
Absolute cuties!
5. I LOVE photography! I even have a photography page, which you can check out here.
6. I can (kinda) speak Spanish.
7. This isn't my first blog. I had a Piczo one when I was in Year 7 (10 years ago!) - but it no longer exists! I also have a book blog, which I started last year.

And the nominees are....


  1. Love your facts! The cats are cute, and I forgot about the wonders of piczo. Probably coming up to 10 years that i had mine too...

  2. READ. HARRY. POTTER. But seriously haha they are very good and at least you have watched the movies! x

  3. Your cats are so beautiful, so so cute! Great tag X

  4. Your cats are so pretty and I love the names such a cute picture of them. Pixie xx

  5. I love these tags! Your cats are so cute xx

  6. Lovely tag to do, I'm only just getting through the Harry Potter book yet I all myself an avid fan

    Tasha x

  7. Your cats are adorable! Great post!

  8. Gosh I can't believe you've never read Harry Potter! You definitely should! Your cats are adorable by the way xx

  9. I had no idea there was going to be a Gremlin 2 movie! The first film always used to freak me out when I was younger haha. And I loved this post -- I've been looking for new blogs to read so it was perfect. <3

  10. congrats on the award! it's always nice to share facts about oneself!

  11. Omg, your cats sound adorable, those names!!! Loved this post, it's a nice way to get to know you better :) X
