Friday, 13 January 2017

8 Hopes for the PLL Final

Hey guys!
I don't know about you, but I am really looking forward to watching Pretty Little Liars when it returns to our screens in April. I know the show has been dragging on a bit, and it's really unrealistic, but it's still one of my favourite TV shows (along with Gilmore Girls, Full House, Waterloo Road and Gossip Girl). I love the relationship between the girls and their love interests, as well as all the drama and suspense. I also can't wait to finally get some answers - we all know how disappointing the 'Cece is Charles' reveal was. Here are some of the things I hope will happen in the last ever episodes of PLL:
1. The parents reappear.
Seriously, where are the girls' parents?! They have been absent from the show for too long! I hope at least some of them make an appearance in Season 7B. I'd particularly like to see Emily's mum or Aria's parents.
2. Mike returns
I know Cody Christian has been busy with Teen Wolf, but I'd really like to see him on PLL again. Mike was always such a shady character, so he must have something to do with Uber A. Also, if they changed the actor who plays Toby, they could've done the same with Mike.
3. We see the classroom scene from the trailers.
Erm, this needs to happen! I've been waiting for this scene for months, and judging by the comments on the PLL Facebook page, I'm not the only one. I'm curious as to who the 'he' is. It's got to be Uber A...right?!
4. Cece's father is revealed.
Do Cece and Spencer have the same father? The whole Drake / DiLaurentis / Hastings family tree needs explaining during 7B - it is so confusing and messed up!
5. There's a PLL wedding.
Back in May, Marlene announced that there will be a wedding in Season 7. Since this didn't happen in 7A, there's a very high chance it'll happen in 7B instead. I really really hope there's a PLL wedding, preferably between Spencer and Toby. I know Toby is married to Yvonne, but I feel like she won't make the car crash that happened at the end of 7A (BTW, was it caused by A or..?) and Spoby will finally be reunited. If things don't work out between Spencer and Toby, it would be great if there was a Haleb wedding. An Emily and Paige wedding would be cute too. This brings me onto #6...
6. Emily and Paige end up together (again).
Okay, so I know a lot of fans are #TeamEmison, but I personally prefer Emily with Paige. They make such a cute couple, and TBH I like Paige more than Alison. Emily and Paige have had their ups and downs, but I think they'd be really happy together.
7. Someone unexpected returns.
Marlene's already announced that Wren will return in 7B, but imagine if Maya, Ian or Darren returned too?! That would make such a good twist! Also, I think we need some answers about Bethany Young and Archer Dunhill too.
8. We find out who Uber A is.
This is the biggest question of PLL, and the series won't be complete unless we find ou who Uber A is. My bets are on Wren (why else would he be returning?!), Lucas and Jason, although Ezra and Caleb are possibilities too. It seems like Uber A will either be a Drake and DiLaurentis, but it's possible that one of these characters is somehow related to one of the families. I just hope Uber A isn't one of the Liars or someone completely obscure. And I'm pretty sure Cece and Mona were both working for Uber A.
What do you hope happens in the last episodes of PLL? Who do you think is Uber A? Let me know in the comments!
Hasta luego!


  1. PLL is my favorite serie! I can't wait to watch the next episode on 18 April 2017. I hope Toby and Spencer are coming back together. They perfect for each other. X -

  2. I've not seen PLL yet but these look like fab ways for the show to go, I'll have to check it out soon and see if I agree! ☺️xx

  3. I'm watching gossip girl right now but I think I need to watch pll next!

  4. I have never see Pretty Little Liars but I have heard great things about it... Gossip Girl is definitely one of my faves too!

  5. I'm still yet to watch PLL! I'm going to have to watch it soon as everyone says how good it is!

    Tiffany x

  6. Love this! I really need to get back to PLL haha. I stopped a few months ago

  7. Omg I'm nodding along to all of these! PLL was my addiction for sure and I started all over again to tide me over till 7B! A wedding between Spencer and today would be amazing!!!!!

    Jordanne ||

  8. My friends have been telling me to watch it but I never understood the hype, but now that you talking about it I think I'll start watching :)

