Friday, 19 June 2015

11 Things Tag

Hey guys!
I was recently tagged in the 11 Things Tag and have finally got round to doing the post! I was tagged by the lovely Hannah at floralinspiredlife.
Here are the questions I was asked:
1.What's the reason behind your blog's name? 
There isn't really a specific reason behind my blog's name, I just came up with it randomly last year! I chose student because I'm obviously a student, and ramblings because this blog is about my thoughts.

2. How long have you been blogging? 

I've actually been blogging on and off for almost a decade! I started with Piczo back in Year 7, when I saw a girl on the computer next to me using it and I thought it looked really cool! I've had this blog for just over a year though!  

3. Do you have any hobbies?
Apart from blogging, I like singing, listening to music, reading and writing.

4. What did you want to do for a job when you were younger? 

I wanted to be an actress at one point! That doesn't seem likely now!

5. If you had unlimited money for just ONE week, how would you spend it? 

I'd probably go on holiday to one of the destinations on my Top Five Countries I'd Love To Visit post. I'd go on a shopping trip and buy all the clothes (and books) I want. Then I'd put some money aside which I'd divide between presents for my family and friends and donations to charity.

6. What beauty product is your most used? 


7. What do you want to achieve by the end of 2015? 

 I want to do an essay that actually gets marked more fairly than my previous ones!!! The teachers seem to find the tiniest faults with every essay I do. In terms of blogging, I'd love to go to more blogging events. I think I've got two lined up soon, one in July and the other in September :)

8. If you could move to a different country, where would it be and why? 

Spain because I can speak Spanish and it's a lot warmer than England.

9. What do you think is the best thing about having a blog?

Everything! Blogging is just great in general!

10. What 3 things do you like about yourself? 

I'm quite hard working and I always start coursework weeks before it's due.
I like my hair :)

11. Do you have any embarrassing nicknames (current or past), if so what is it and why did you get it? 

In my first primary school, my friends called me 'Seeny', but I don't think it's really that embarrassing.

Here are the people I tag:

Here are my questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?

2. What is your favourite book?

3. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

4. If you had to give up pizza or chocolate for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

5. What superpower do you wish you had?

6. What is your favourite song?

7. What subject did you enjoy the most at school?

8. Who / what inspires you?

9. Who are your favourite bloggers?

10. Have you ever met anyone famous? If not, who would you most like to meet?  

11. If you could time travel (either to the past or present), what era would you visit and why?

 Hope you enjoyed reading this tag!

Hasta luego!



  1. My first ever blog was called Random Student Ramblings! Ah the memories!!! Love reading tags like this and getting to know bloggers <3

    1. That sounds similar to mine haha I'm glad you enjoyed this post!

  2. Ooh it's always fun learing about other bloggers! I really like you blog name and Spain too!

  3. This was a lovely read, and some great questions to ask fellow bloggers too :)

  4. Replies
    1. Travelling is high up on my bucket list! There are so many places I want to visit - unlimited money would help!
